Sunday 4 November 2018

The Mountaineer – Bar-headed Goose

Hello readers, wish you a very happy festival week, be safe, and enjoy the festival to the fullest. Today before I start the topic would like to urge that while you enjoy the festival please take care of the environment. The festival is of lights do enlighten people with the importance of saving Mother Nature by avoiding crackers, this will be a great help to conserve our environment, in turn, it will contribute to wildlife conservation as well

After back to back animal blogs now it’s time for lovely birds, I always believe that birds are more beautiful than the animal, you will surely agree with me when you will read about the best flying bird. The name is Bar-headed Goose, the ability to fly at the highest point makes the bird one of the best bird, let's know more about the bird in the next section

Fly high like a Goose 

Do you know how high Bar-headed Goose can fly? I am sure you have not even heard the name of this bird, but when I will disclose the answer you will never forget the name. The answer is Bar-headed geese have been seen flying well above the peak of Mt. Everest – more than 29,000 feet above sea level! This is what makes it the highest consistent flier of all bird species. This species travels directly over the Himalayas on its route between its nesting grounds and winter quarters in India, surely this bird deserves the award of the highest-flying bird. Such capability surprised everyone including the scientist who did research to understand how it is possible for such bird to reach huge height. They found that their blood cells contain a special type of hemoglobin (a blood protein) that absorbs oxygen very quickly at high altitudes. They also noted that due to small blood vessels extend especially deeply into their muscles, thereby improving the transfer of oxygen to their muscle fibers. Isn’t it very special quality? Off curse it is, and there are many more things we should know about Bar headed; let us move to the next section

The Flawless facts 

This handsome stout-bodied goose gets its name from the double bars of dark feathers that wrap around the back of its white head. Its body is light grey and its legs and bill are bright orange. Males and females are identical

In the colder months (October through March), bar-headed geese live in low-lying swamps in northern India and Burma. When the weather warms up, they take to the skies on their annual migration to their summer breeding grounds in the high mountain lakes and wetlands of central Asia

During its annual migration, this species travels directly over the Himalayas on its route between its nesting grounds and winter quarters in India

Bar-headed geese are mainly vegetarian. They feed primarily on grasses, roots, stems and other plant parts, as well as on grains

The birds usually nest in dense colonies. A female lays from four to six eggs, which take about a month to hatch. Chicks leave the nest after about 53 days

After knowing such unique facts I am sure you will remember this beautiful bird forever, you can visit Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary to meet Bar-headed Goose, do visit during winter to enjoy many more migrated birds

A Message of the Day 

There is an urgent need to understand the core reason of human and animal conflict to resolve in such a way that we don't cut down our resources for short-term benefit. We should understand that we are occupying the animal/bird territory for our comfort which is creating conflict. Such conflicts are then resolved by blaming/ killing animals. Avani Tigress (killed recently), Jai tiger (missing since 2014) and Ustad tiger (in captivity) suffered due to such conflict. Please wake up and open your eyes to understand the need to preserve such resources otherwise concrete forest will lead us to hell 


BT Wild Art – Bhavesh Thakkar photographyLife is Safari. Enjoy it.


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